How Does Hypoallergenic Makeup Help Sensitive Skin and Eyes?
Those who deal with hyper-sensitive skin and eyes know how difficult it is to find makeup that doesn’t cause irritation, dryness, or inflammation. Hypoallergenic makeup has been a label used by cosmetics companies for several decades, dating back to the 1970s. Hypoallergenic means that the product does not commonly cause irritation or inflammatory results. There aren’t any regulations around this term, but companies that label their products with it can provide results from patch testing that was done during product development. While this label is helpful for narrowing down your product selection, what are other ways that companies can prove that their product is safe for sensitive eyes and skin? The Ingredients List & Brand Transparency While this might seem like an intimidating tactic, reading the ingredients list is the best way to determine whether a product is safe for your sensitivities. If you deal with watery eyes or dry eyelids, read the ingredien...